Monday, September 29, 2014

Yahoo! Photoshoot with stephanie nicole photography

Well I've got to say....stepping in to the Yahoo! corporate office in downtown Chicago last week was one of the highlights of my photography career so far....what an exciting day!   Everyone was so welcoming and made me feel right at home.  I had a blast spending few hours photographing these awesome people...I also got a tour of their fabulous offices - a spectacular view of Lake Michigan and a room with a ping pong table - can I work here please??

Yes - I am trying hard not to smile with my cheesiest, I'm so flipping excited to be here grin  :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Evan's Senior Session with stephanie nicole photography

One of my last senior shoots of the summer was with Evan....such a polite, handsome young man who was such a good sport during our shoot....I know having photos taken is not something that guys normally get in to and I appreciate his willingness to "go with the flow" :)   I always love asking seniors about their future plans...and listening to Evan talk about his put a smile on my face.  I could tell that he was excited and ready to take those next big steps on to college and I am so excited for him!  (And his parents are certainly very proud of their son - they were both at the shoot, so of course I just had to get a few images of the three of them together!)

Congratulations on reaching your senior year at Westfield, Evan!!  Enjoy every moment!