Thursday, February 27, 2014

Little Miss Leighton's 9 month shoot with stephanie nicole photography

Can this little girl be any cuter??   Leighton is such a little fashionista at the young age of 9 months and I just cannot get enough of her!   We had such a great time doing her shoot in the fabulous boutique store, Lesley Jane in downtown Zionsville....thank goodness for that as it was a balmy 20 degrees outside!  Cannot wait for her 1 year shoot at the end of May....hard to believe I've known this sweetie pie since she was 2 weeks old!

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Beautiful Lisa - stephanie nicole photography

I think every woman should do a personal shoot just for her....I truly do!  There is something "freeing" about it...and every woman is just so beautiful in her own unique way.  I had such a great time working with Lisa on her shoot...and I love the fact that she did this as a surprise for her husband's 40th birthday!!  I'm sure the look on his face was priceless :)