Monday, December 30, 2013

The Monson Family in downtown Carmel with stephanie nicole photography

I have had such a wonderful year filled with some pretty great families and clients....  I ended 2013 with the fabulous Monson family....and their sweet pup Ellie.   They all braved the cold 25 degree weather so we could do their family shoot in downtown Carmel....they sure pulled off the "warm" look, didn't they?  :)

Love this family and love that they were my last shoot of excited to see what 2014 brings!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Rounds Family "Duck Dynasty" Photoshoot with stephanie nicole photography

Okay - so I just had to share a few photos from a shoot I did for my brother Chris, and his family.  They are huge Duck Dynasty fans and thought it would be fun to do a Duck Dynasty themed photo for their Christmas card this year....and oh my goodness....we had such a great time with it!  The kids nailed the "serious" sister in law Lisa looks like a model and Chris...well he fit the part well with his long hair and beard.  Thanks to my mom for giving us this great idea!!

**side note....since this shoot, Chris has cut all of his hair off and shaved his beard....he had been  growing his hair out for over 2 years so he could donate it to Locks of Love....have I mentioned I have an AWESOME brother??**

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Leighton's 6 month Shoot - Zionsville, IN - with stephanie nicole photography

Oh my goodness....the cuteness!  I simply cannot believe that Leighton is 6 months old already!  It truly feels like just yesterday that I was meeting her and her mommy and daddy for the very first time when she was 2 weeks old.  

This little lady has developed such an awesome personality....and oh those baby blue eyes...with one glance, she has anyone wrapped around her sweet little finger.  I know her parents Whitney and Mike are so very smitten with their sweet baby girl....and I certainly am as well.....I am already thinking about what fun we will have with her 1 year shoot!!  :)